Which Posters Provide the Least to the RX in their contributions?


Sep 20, 2004
I would love to hear from everyone on who they believe provides the least to the RX? All they do is bitch at others picks, put people down, or flat out have nothing at all positive to add to the RX. Overall the RX could be a better place without them. I will refrain from my picks until I hear who others here believe would fit the bill. I have about 5 people in mind.

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
I would say......

1) Mr. Newlywed
2) Marino--havent seen him in awhile...probably ghosting under another name
3) a lot of people in Ace-Ace's threads

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
I read this thread as which "full-time posters" offer the least, because we know the hotshot rookies with 40 posts offer garbage.....and once again, I hate to say this because it looks like he is being picked on, but Coldweather offers the least. (Coldweather probably hates me right now... LOL) Guy probably has 4,000 posts, and he's supposively so good, and 3,999 of his posts have the word poop and poontang in it. Never takes the time to give an honest write-up about how he feels, never discusses games, never gives the little guy a tip, never gives any nuggets of information, all of these years on this site posting plays and has never tried to educate anyone else. 4,000 posts and they are all carbon copies of absolute nonsense. I like to be funny every now and then, and his posts are funny, but he never contributes much. He'll post a play, and you just have to trust that he's not just fucking with you. Plus, you already know what side he is on before every game - not difficult to figure out. He's the one guy that could stop posting tomorrow, and a guy could make a thread every day called "coldweather's pick for today", copy a poontang post and take an underdog.

gerhart got hosed
Oct 2, 2004
Almost everybody. The truth is this forum is filled with chumps and squares that all post their square plays and bump them if they win. There are a few exceptions to this but not many.

Oh and I am one of those chumps and squares just like you who are reading this. That's why I don't bother to clutter the forum with my useless opinions on games. You should do the same.

New member
Jan 18, 2005
I'd like to meet Coldweather in real life, see the man behind the poop on the basketball courts or football fields. I envision him as a China Man who giggles at every ittle thing.

Buried Alive after week 2 of the NFL
May 12, 2006
wildemu said:
I'd like to meet Coldweather in real life, see the man behind the poop on the basketball courts or football fields. I envision him as a China Man who giggles at every ittle thing.

Ive never thought of him like that, but now when I see his post, this is what I will picture!


May 24, 2006
wildemu said:
I'd like to meet Coldweather in real life, see the man behind the poop on the basketball courts or football fields. I envision him as a China Man who giggles at every ittle thing.

I'd like to meet you in real life, see the man behind the poop on the basketball courts or football fields. I envision you as one of those fast ass over weight 300 pounds stupid WHB trash who fuvk your sister and give your mom a blow job everyday.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
I actually used to defend newlywed when he was bashed.

However, after he took a cheapshot at spreadbeater he is now useless.

Mind you, he took a shot at sb after he followed a play that lost, but wouldnt name sb...simply said a hot and popular nba capper...fucking bush league at its finest.

My guess is nwed plays are monopoly money, so its useless drivel.

Whats bullshit is the people that NEVER post any pick (nwed isnt among this group since he posts games), but still bash AFTER someone loses.


New member
Jan 18, 2005
Chairman said:
I'd like to meet you in real life, see the man behind the poop on the basketball courts or football fields. I envision you as one of those fast ass over weight 300 pounds stupid WHB trash who fuvk your sister and give your mom a blow job everyday.

I'd like to meet you also, but you gotta get your cock out of Pro Capper's Ass first.

New member
Feb 9, 2005
Mr. Newlywed outpaces EVERYONE with his useless posts filled with useless information and lies about winning the lottery and playing 4th Quarter Spreads.


New member
Dec 15, 2004
I usually don't get involved in these kinds of debates, but bashers really don't bother me. I take much more heat in my day job from real people than I would ever feel from a few anonymous posters trashing me on the internet. In one respect, some of the bashers offer up some humor and ignorance...and sometimes, stupid is funny itself. You've never seen me here complain about a basher. I know there are a lot of kids here who can't take the heat. I understand their sensitivities are still quite immature. I'm not a kid. I'm an adult. I can handle anything any message board poster wants to dish my way. Sticks and stones.... Maybe if more of us acted like adults and simply ignored the bashers or allowed ourselves to be amused by them, they would find little fertile ground here and disappear. But when someone chooses to argue with a basher they are just inviting more bashing. Guys who complain about bashers are saying alot about themselves, their ability to take criticism and their own maturity.

What bothers me much more are guys who give out 1*, 5*, 10*, 25*, 50* plays, etc. Anybody who has a 10x or more difference between any two plays doesn't know much about money management. This is the kind of ridiculous money management people get from touts. Responsible bettors and professionals simply don't bet this way. (I'd actually say anybody who bets 5x more on one play than another is clueless, but I'll accept an argument on that that there may be one or two plays a year worth a big shot. But 10x there is no question about clueless.). Everybody has different ratings and betting systems, but the bottom line for me is that anybody who says any one sports bet is worth ten times more than another sports bet doesn't know much about sports gambling or money management. And for these guys (and there are many of them) to lead people, by their example, into bad money management IMO are a negative to the forum by giving not only wrong, but potentially destructive, advice.

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
Coast2Coast said:
I usually don't get involved in these kinds of debates, but bashers really don't bother me. I take much more heat in my day job from real people than I would ever feel from a few anonymous posters trashing me on the internet. In one respect, some of the bashers offer up some humor and ignorance...and sometimes, stupid is funny itself. You've never seen me here complain about a basher. I know there are a lot of kids here who can't take the heat. I understand their sensitivities are still quite immature. I'm not a kid. I'm an adult. I can handle anything any message board poster wants to dish my way. Sticks and stones.... Maybe if more of us acted like adults and simply ignored the bashers or allowed ourselves to be amused by them, they would find little fertile ground here and disappear. But when someone chooses to argue with a basher they are just inviting more bashing. Guys who complain about bashers are saying alot about themselves, their ability to take criticism and their own maturity.

What bothers me much more are guys who give out 1*, 5*, 10*, 25*, 50* plays, etc. Anybody who has a 10x or more difference between any two plays doesn't know much about money management. This is the kind of ridiculous money management people get from touts. Responsible bettors and professionals simply don't bet this way. (I'd actually say anybody who bets 5x more on one play than another is clueless, but I'll accept an argument on that that there may be one or two plays a year worth a big shot. But 10x there is no question about clueless.). Everybody has different ratings and betting systems, but the bottom line for me is that anybody who says any one sports bet is worth ten times more than another sports bet doesn't know much about sports gambling or money management. And for these guys (and there are many of them) to lead people, by their example, into bad money management IMO are a negative to the forum by giving not only wrong, but potentially destructive, advice.

I would have to agree with this...The one thing that should not be tolerated is bashing people when they have bad weeks or days...if you do not like the person, there is an ignore button...any other option is counter productive....
Jan 19, 2006
Kornholio said:
Almost everybody. The truth is this forum is filled with chumps and squares that all post their square plays and bump them if they win. There are a few exceptions to this but not many.

Oh and I am one of those chumps and squares just like you who are reading this. That's why I don't bother to clutter the forum with my useless opinions on games. You should do the same.

I'd sure like to see you post a profit in five different sports. :lol:

Your right some people offer useless opinions on games such as yourself. Go back to the other forum and follow someone sheep..

And don't think people haven't noticed your mancrush for Doc.. You even mention him on the title above your name.. :lolBIG: Get your cock out of his ass man..

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